It’s another year of smashing our stash! This is a collaboration I started several years ago to motivate myself and others to use up items in our crafty stash.
We focus on using consumable items that are easy to collect, hoard and or/forget about.
So, think about the phase we all went through with brads. Most of us bought them because they came in cute little shapes and colors and enamel dots hadn’t been created yet. Now, how many of us still have a vast stash of brads hanging out in our cabinet? I know I do!!! And, when was the last time we used them??
That’s what this collab is all about. Reminding us to actually use those items we’ve hoarded or hung onto, thinking we’ll use them someday. Today is that day.
The collab is no longer open to new participants, but you are welcome to play along with us and work through your stash as well! Just be sure that if you share your projects anywhere on the internet (Youtube, social media, blog, etc.), to use the hashtag #SmashOurStash2023. That way people can find your projects.
Below is the list of prompts or themes for this year. Most of the categories are pretty broad, so I’m sure you have something that fits. Play along with us as often as you’d like.
Also, if you are on Facebook and would like some challenges involving tools or other crafty items, you can check out my Facebook group, Crafting with Bourbon Creek.
I hope you are able to pull out some of these items from your stash and play with them this year!
Have a crafty day!