So, you’ve made all the cards and all the projects and they are taking over your craft space. What do you do?

This is a question I get asked a lot. What do you do with all of those cards you make? There are many options, depending on your time, energy and goals.
First, you can use the item yourself. If you have an abundance of cards, make a point send out more cards to your family and friends. Is it a journal? Keep it in your purse to jot down ideas or inspiration, or start journaling more often.
Second, you can gift it to someone! You can bundle up a group of your cards, add a set of stamps and it makes a great gift! Or, if you made a journal and have a friend who loves to journal, gift it to them. Use little items as stocking stuffers, co worker gifts, etc.
Third, and this is the one that will require more energy and time, you can sell your products! Make a little extra cash back to supplement your hobby (pay for that adhesive you keep going through). Where can you sell your products?
- Facebook – let people know you’ve got these handmade items and share good quality pictures of them
- Farmers Markets – farmers markets tend to have a low entry fee (some may only charge a small amount for you to set up for the whole season)
- Craft Shows – people love to buy handmade, especially at the holidays. Find yourself a local craft show or fair and sign up. Afraid to do one alone? Ask a friend or family member to join you (even if just for moral support)
- Etsy – it’s actually pretty easy to set up an Etsy shop. You just need to be able to take good quality photos of your items and write up descriptions. Etsy charges a small listing fee for each item and then you pay transaction and processing fees once it’s sold. But, Etsy does handle all of the checkout and tax processes for you and they have a huge online customer base that you can take advantage of. (If you’d like to start your shop and receive 40 free listings, you can sign up HERE.)
- Ebay – you can also sell handmade on Ebay. Again, you need quality photos and descriptions.
Lastly, you can donate your items. There are a ton of charities that collect handmade cards to distribute (see list and links below). Local libraries can make use of bookmarks. Local retirement homes, animal rescues and churches can use cards and sometimes other projects. Local charities can use your items in auctions or raffles. School PTOs can use small items that would be good for teacher/staff appreciation gift packs. I’m sure there are more that I’m not even thinking of. If you know of someone who would accept donations of papercraft items that I haven’t listed, please leave a note in the comments.
Most of these card charities are based in the US. If you know of charities outside the US, let me know and I can add them to my list.
Cards for Solders – accepts cards and other care package items for overseas US troops
Cards for Hospitalized Kids – accepts cards for kids that are in children’s hospitals around the US
Card Care Connection – accepts cards for those that are affected by cancer in the US
Send a Smile 4 Kids – accepts cards for kids that are patients at children’s hospitals around the US
Operation Gratitude – accepts cards and care package items to send to overseas US troops
Cardz for Kidz – accepts cards for hospital patients
Cards for Seniors – accepts cards to send to isolated seniors
Cards 4 Cancer – accepts cards for cancer patients
Bring Smiles to Seniors – accepts cards for seniors in nursing homes, assisted living or homebound
Cards for Kindness – Scrapbookdotcom accepts cards for people who need a smile or encouragement
Cards for Cubs – Bearly Arts accepts cards for kids in foster homes
I tend to do a mix of these ideas. I sell some of my items online and at in person shows. I donate a ton of cards each year to a handful of charities. I donate to local organizations as well. And, I try to be better about sending out my cards to my friends and family.
Hopefully this information can help you figure out what you would like to do with your abundance of cards or other crafty projects.
Happy crafting!